Caesura’s Cry
Here are three songs, in preview, from my forthcoming album, Caesura’s Cry…
(please do sign up for email list, at bottom of this page, to receive word when album is released…)
See Eshel (2022) for an invocation of ’Perhaps A Cry for a Caesura?’, where I first heard/read/considered this poignant expression of ‘caesura’s cry’. Ofra Eshel (2022): Bion's Long Road toward Intuiting the Patient's Suffering: 'Theoretical' vs. 'Clinical' Bion, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, DOI: 10.1080/00107530.2022.2083424
Listening Child
© Willow Pearson Trimbach, Lionessroars Productions, 2024
lyrics, vocals, and melody, Willow Pearson Trimbach
piano composition, recording, and production, Ben Leinbach
We could have a child together
The child could be a listening knee
The child could be a listening knee
The child could be a listening knee
We could have a child together
The child could be a listening me
The child could be a listening me
The child could be a listening me
We could have a child together
The child could be a listening thee
The child could be a listening thee
The child could be a listening thee
We could have a child together
The child could be a listening we
The child could be a listening we
The child could be a listening we
This song is an homage to the possible emergence, the potential birth, of the analytic third between therapist and patient—a listening child—within each and every psychotherapy couple, born of purified desire (see Pearson Trimbach & Bloch, in press). It is an ode to creative emergence between two psyches at work and at play.
The song spotlights and centers interwoven dimensions of therapeutic listening born of psychotherapeutic yoga. Specifically, it begins with the unstruck sound (Singh, 2013), heralded by the ‘could’, a signaling of the unknown possible—in equal parts unknown and yet possible. A seed-at-zero (see Pearson Trimbach & Bloch, in press, with reference to Dylan Thomas poem by this title, cited by S. Bloch). A birth of Eros and Agape. A yes to life. It continues with a bow to the dedication, the ethic, the practice, of listening beyond, through, between, and with/in. This is homage to the listening knee. Centering the sacred, there is then a personal ear to the primal with/in, between, through and beyond that echoes as the self/no-self/god in the first person. This listening then extends to god in the second person as divine other. The confluence of these dimensions of listening beyond, through, between and with/in compose the ineffable yet apparent and discernible, living and dynamic ‘we’—the analytic third, creative emergence, the listening child.
Beata in Beta
(a Bionian* mantra)
© Willow Pearson Trimbach, Lionessroars Productions, 2024
mantra, vocals, and melody, Willow Pearson Trimbach
cello drone, Moses Sedler
production, Ben Leinbach
Beata in Beta
Beata, meaning beauty
Beata. meaning blessing
Beata, beauty and blessing at once
Undigested bits of raw experience
Unformulated fragments
Sense impressions
Not yet available to conscious thought and feeling
Bits of thoughts awaiting a thinker
Bits of feelings awaiting an open heart
Experience waiting patiently in the dark
Beata in beta
Crazy wisdom
In the dark
Lend your third ear
Open your heart
Give me your hand
We are listening in the dark
We are seeing in the dark
We are feeling our way through
Beata in Beta
*Note that ‘Bionian’ refers to the late psychoanalyst Wilfred Bion (1897-1979) who described ‘beta elements’ referred to by this mantra.
With gratitude to Stephen Bloch, Adam Shechter, and the Michael Eigen ‘workshop’ mandala, together with the California Institute of Integral Studies PsyD international alumni conference ‘Notes from the Field’, for inspiration, in composing, performing, and recording this mantra.
Cherishing the Real*
© lyrics and music by Willow Pearson Trimbach, Lionessroars Productions, 2023
What if….cast a dream
What is….brought it through
Now cherishing the Real
Is my daily prayer to you
Your light is a beacon
Your darkness is divine
Your laughter threads the needle
Ordinary and sublime
What if….cast a dream
What is….brought it through
Now cherishing the Real
Is my daily prayer for you
Not too far away
And not to intrude
Not being here alone
Welcoming solitude
The perfect ideal
Never breaths the air
But cherishing the Real
Allows my heart to care
What if….cast a dream
What is….brought it through
Now cherishing the Real
Is my daily prayer with you
What if….cast a dream
What is….brought it through
Now cherishing the Real
Is my daily prayer with you
Not too far away
And not to intrude
Not being here alone
Welcoming solitude
Now cherishing the Real
Is my daily prayer with you
Now cherishing the Real
Is my daily prayer with you
*By ‘Real’ I refer to and extend a pointing out advanced by psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan: it is inconceivable and, paradoxically, nonconceptual, as that which “…is beyond, behind, or beneath phenomenal appearances accessible to the direct experiences of first-person awareness.” (see